Leadership is a practice, and we are all students.

A light bulb icon where the bulb portion is comprised of a gear and three figures.

Sammi Jo began with a video from Simon Sinek called, “No such thing as an ‘Expert Leader'”.

This insight is applicable to each of us as business owners, entrepreneurs, employees, etc. The WANT to keep learning and improve our skillsets is what makes us a better leader in our field. We need to think of ourselves as ‘students’ first and identify ways we can evolve, learn adapt, and absorb what’s around us. When we remain stagnant, that’s when we fail to do our best work and can no longer do good for our team, business, and/or clients.

Recommended Simon Sinek books: Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, The Infinite Game

Today’s Marketing Minute is brought to you by Sammi Jo Uhrmacher, C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer.

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