9 tips so you can ditch that generic silhouette icon.

“A picture speaks a thousand words”, and it’s true. We’re all business professionals and our online bios/profiles are a reflection that. That photo, that image is the first impression maker because it introduces you to others – for example: on your social media channels, on your website if you have one, if someone simply Googles you or your business and, of course, when folks visit our website.

And nowadays, it’s easy to get one. Here are some quick tips:

  1. Hire a pro! We have Lou to make us look great.
  2. We all have smartphones with, probably, decent cameras. Ask a family member or friend to help out.
  3. Keep the background simple, blur it even, there are filters most likely built in to do that. Stay away from business in the background. Consider how what you do and think about how to incorporate – but again, keep it simple.
  4. Look for the light. Natural light is best. If you’re outside, large areas of shade created by trees or buildings are a safe bet. Indoors: look for the natural light coming through windows. Try to avoid harsh overhead light from the sun or ceiling light and opt for lamps instead.
  5. Smile – simple! Makes you appear friendly and approachable.
  6. Don’t take a selfie – it doesn’t convey professional tone. And every smartphone camera setting has a timer, so use that function.
  7. You can take as many pics as you want until you have what you like. The beauty of digital is you can ditch the ones you don’t like.
  8. Use contrasting colors so your profile stands out from the background.
  9. Use your brand colors in your photo.

Today’s Marketing Minute is brought to you by Sara Cousins, Mighty Spark Design.